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Wednesday 16 April 2014

My New Summer Bag!

Hold on folks, a new bag has arrived. Many women spend days, weeks even months finding their perfect spring/summer bag - i was lucky to have found mine when i wasn't even looking or planning in buying a bag! I was shopping in Belfast the other day with no intention of buying a bag as I haven't really seen anything on the high street worth buying. But, i was passing Accessorize and in the window, displayed beautifully was my bag. I knew that it would be my bag the second i saw it! Although being so indecisive i debated whether to buy it or not... After some convincing by my friend, mum and myself i handed over £25 at the till and it was mine!

Yellow isn't even a colour I'd normally go for, I dont think i own anything yellow so I've definitely stepped out of my comfort zone but I'm so happy i have. The structure is so gorgeous and is again different for me since i usually go for a satchel or Cath Kidston handbag without much structure. So all-in-all, this is an out-of-comfort-zone purchase:P

I think this will go with everything as it's a pastel-muted yellow. Also, there's an extension strap inside which will turn it into a more casual bag, sitting just below the waist. The quality is really good and definitely worth the money (and more!) and I know I'll use this everyday of the summer!

This may not be the bag for you for whatever reason but i highly recommend Accessorize for bags this season as they have a beautiful selection of different styles and colours. So if you're struggling finding your perfect bag for a reasonable price then head over to accessorize and it should help!


  1. I love this! Do they do it in a mint/green? x ek

    1. I can't find the same bag in a mint/green but I've found a slightly bigger but quite a similar style in an emerald green here http://m-uk.accessorize.com/view/product/uk_catalog/acc_1,acc_1.7/5891323000 😊
