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Sunday 2 February 2014

Socks & Sandals - Who'd have thought?!

What are your views on wearing socks with sandals? I used to instantly think of my dad's holiday fashion faux-pas, considering the warmth of his feet rather than his style. It really is embarrassing having to walk around in a foreign country, especially one like France - The Country of Chic, with your dad committing a fashion crime.

Well, ladies this summer - fear not, your male relatives may well be following a trend... Crazy right? Don't think your mentality has slipped when you start following your father's trend!

I feel that any type of ankle sock can make a pump or boots look sweet. And now, darker shaded socks (preferably grey), paired with a strapped sandal is what Elle says to add a "fresh, playful feel" to the dungaree dress.

If you look at this picture long enough, hopefully you'll see that the look isn't actually so bad - it isn't quite the style of our old man that we were expecting... Take time to think about it. Would you wear socks with sandals?

Let me know what you think about this new trend for SS14 in the comments.

I'd like to also apologise for the poor amount of blog posts in January. Everything gets super busy and there's never a time to stop and write sometimes. I'm hoping February will be a late fresh-start!

Pip pip, cheerio!

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